12 Signs You’re Being Gaslighted Without Knowing It
Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation typically used by narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths.
You’ve probably heard the term before, but might not be completely aware of how it works — or if anyone you know has been using it on you! Gaslighters basically manipulate how you see reality.
They cause you to question your own abilities, memories, and even your sanity.
When you’ve been gaslighted, you often feel like something is wrong with you, but you are not certain what or why.
Here are some of the tactics gaslighters use to confuse and manipulate you!
1. They Lie To You
Gaslighters are habitual and pathological liars. They will tell bald-faced lies and then insist that they are telling the truth — despite all evidence to the contrary.
You can’t convince them to admit to a lie. In fact, they will insist that any evidence you might offer, is itself a lie.
They demonstrate such conviction in their lies, that they can cause you to second-guess objective truth.
They will insist on “their truth” and can do so very persuasively. They can keep you feeling confused and off-balance.
Even when they don’t fool you, you can be left with the impression that they are being perfectly sincere, albeit their position or perception is obviously wrong.
2. They Undermine Your Reputation
Gaslighters can identify people who will take their side, no matter what the issue may be.
They then recruit these people to attack you by making up rumors that call your character — or even your sanity — into question. They may even state that they are concerned about you and suggest to others that your behavior is disturbing.
This approach can be very effective. By initiating and then dominating the narrative, the gaslighter will gain allies while keeping them in the dark as to what is really going on.
They may even tell you that other people think there is something wrong with you — while others might not be saying any such things at all.
But unfortunately, a gaslighter can be very convincing and this can devastate your relationships with people.
3. They Steer You Away From The Actual Topic
When you ask a gaslighter about something or try to nail them down for something they have said or done, don’t be surprised if they change the subject without addressing it.
They will often either ask you a question to deflect you or accuse you of something.
A gaslighter will typically react by claiming that they never said what you say they did. They will accuse you of remembering incorrectly or imagining things, or suggest that you got the idea from your “crazy” friends.