7 Secrets of artificial intelligence you didn’t know about.
Artificial intelligence, one of the largest and fastest-growing industries of the upcoming era. If so then let’s talk about it in more depth So, the first question that might be arising in your mind that
what is artificial intelligence?
When a human applies intelligence to complete any specific task is known as human intelligence. This intelligence comes naturally through a human’s mind the same applies when we talk about artificial intelligence, AI also applies intelligence to complete any given task. But the intelligence that helps is not natural its all artificial comes by the programming of it.
But that’s not it, we are already living in an advanced world where a majority of our daily tasks are done by digital things like the cell phones we use, computers where we do our official works and many more. And moreover many of these items have consisted of some sort of artificial intelligence like youtube will automatically show the videos that you are interested in, Facebook will automatically show the kind of post you are more interested in, even google search engine knows what are you searching for, Siri and Google voice assistant well you know about it very well So, overall you are always surrounded by some sort of AI, to be honest. So, here are
7 Secrets about artificial intelligence you didn’t know about
1. AI can create its own language.
Facebook researchers in New York set up “chatbots” named Alice and Bob they were meant to be developed as automated trouble shooters for social media networks. They were to speak in English as they worked out how to negotiate and trade hats, books, and balls-each of which were given a value. But the robots rapidly modified the English language that only they understood. One exchange went:
Bob: I can I I everything else
Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to.
Bob: you I everything else…
Alice: balls have a ball to me to me to me to me to me to me to me.
Researchers pulled the plug when they realized what was happening.
So, we can conclude that AI is intelligent and they are very much capable to create their own language that can’t be understood by humans.
2. AI is independent to think.
When science-fiction worlds introduce robots that look and behave like people, sooner or later those worlds’ inhabitants confront the question of robot self-awareness. If a machine is built to truly mimic a human, its “brain” must be complex enough not only to process information as ours does but also to achieve certain types of abstract thinking that make us human. This includes recognition of our “selves” and our place in the world, a state known as consciousness. But what exactly might “consciousness” means for artificial intelligence (AI) in the real world, and how close is AI to reaching that goal?
Philosophers have described consciousness as having a unique sense of self coupled with an awareness of what’s going on around you. And neuroscientists have offered their own perspective on how consciousness might be quantified, through analysis of a person’s brain activity as it integrates and interprets sensory data.
However, applying those rules to AI is tricky. In some ways, the processing abilities of AI are not unlike those that take place in human brains. Sophisticated AI systems use a process called deep learning to solve computational tasks quickly, using networks of layered algorithms that communicate with each other to solve more and more complex problems.
It’s a strategy very similar to that of our own brains, where information speeds across connections between neurons. In a neural network, deep learning enables AI to teach itself how to identify disease, win a strategy game against the best human player in the world, or write a pop song.
But to accomplish these feats, any neural network still relies on a human programmer setting the tasks and selecting the data for it to learn from. Consciousness for AI would mean that neural networks could make those initial choices themselves, “deviating from the programmers’ intentions and doing their own thing,” Edith Elkind, a professor of computing science at the University of Oxford in the U.K., told Live Science in an email.
3. AI is much more efficient than human intelligence.
It is believed that at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, there were three distinct waves of AI technological development. The first wave was an attempt to create general intelligence with the help of the formal rules of logical thinking. The second was the development of expert systems. Now we are on the crest of the third wave, the main feature of which, computer learning, is already successful in helping artificial intelligence bypass top professional experts in the effectiveness and quality of decision making on a massive scale.
Researchers have learned how to create systems that improve the algorithms themselves and then receive new data. This invention has created a new industry. The introduction of AI by 2030 will boost worldwide GDP by 14%, or approximately $15.7 trillion, according to PwC. They note that this is more than the current total industrial output of China and India combined. According to the results of a study by Teradata, the vast majority of large companies (80%) are investing in artificial intelligence technologies, and according to forecasts from Gartner, by 2020 they will be present in almost all new software products and services.
So, what are the advantages of Artificial intelligence?
Until recently, the only way to solve complex problems was by working with specialized experts. On average, their experience and abilities are superior to those of ordinary people, but there are many factors that can influence their effectiveness.
There are natural limitations to the productivity of the human brain. We can turn to experts for help in assessing the potential of investing in a startup, but what if we need to analyze the potential of not just a single company, but several thousand? There is no one expert or even a group of them, that would be able to efficiently process such a high volume of information, while the use of AI makes issues like these fully resolvable. For example, Squilla Capital now uses Artificial Intelligence and Big Data to analyze more than 8,000 startups, using such metrics as web and social media analytics, trading data, blockchain data, and others.
4. AI is capable to take over humanity.
Precisely how and when will our curiosity kill us? I bet you’re curious. A number of scientists and engineers fear that, once we build an artificial intelligence smarter than we are, a form of A.I. known as artificial general intelligence, doomsday may follow. Bill Gates and Tim Berners-Lee, the founder of the World Wide Web, recognize the promise of an A.G.I., a wish-granting genie rubbed up from our dreams, yet each has voiced grave concerns. Elon Musk warns against “summoning the demon,” envisaging “an immortal dictator from which we can never escape.” Stephen Hawking declared that an A.G.I. “could spell the end of the human race.” Such advisories aren’t new. In 1951, the year of the first rudimentary chess program and neural network, the A.I. pioneer Alan Turing predicted that machines would “outstrip our feeble powers” and “take control.” In 1965, Turing’s colleague Irving Good pointed out that brainy devices could design even brainier ones, ad infinitum: “Thus the first ultraintelligent machine is the last invention that man need ever make, provided that the machine is docile enough to tell us how to keep it under control.” It’s that last clause that has claws.
The forever growing AI industries are accelerating on the way to get AI smarter and better. They are experimenting with AI in newer fields such as war zones, in complicate surgeries and many more. so why not they capable to take over humanity one day!
5. AI is programmed to make humans lazy and incapable.
AI expert Peter Mohaideen Sait, founder, and CEO of Black Cube Solutions believes AI can make us “lazy”, but it only depends upon each individual how they are using AI. “Data is Data. How you choose to see that data and how you are using it, it’s still a human choice. It is about how you innovate with it. Human interaction stills remain where AI is concerned. But what if it gives you alternate choice.” He said.
People become less physically active when the machine started doing manual work, and a sedentary lifestyle ends with gaining weight. Our brains were forced to work harder as our bodies rested. Modern jobs require higher qualifications and are more complex. Today’s employees have to adapt and learn new information quickly and keep learning. Our brains work harder during leisure time due to the mushrooming of social media and the availability of a variety of books. We spend our free time checking news surfing books and so forth. We interact with people whom we don’t even meet through social channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, YouTube, etc.
AI gives Humans a chance to grow other parts of their brain, while AI solves problems that we don’t have to. At school, we need to memorize a lot of information, but now we have all the data in one pocket which leads to the use of our brainless and which will not develop another part of our brain.
6. AI will also feel emotions just like humans.
A “basis of the hypothesis is that every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it”. This was the ambition of the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence [1] held in 1956. This study was conducted by John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky, the founding fathers of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) concept. At that time, AI was about transposing into a machine a huge amount of human intelligence, including language, vision, and reasoning. AI was about designing thinking machines, but the emotion was not up for consideration. However, some fields, such as Robotics, demanded some consideration of emotions in their integration and communication with their human users.
The question of whether AI machines can have their own emotions is open to debate. AI and neuroscience researchers agree that current forms of AI cannot have their own emotions. They have nobody, no hormones, no memory of their interaction with the world and have not gone through the process of learning life. They have no emotional memory equivalent to that of Man, with its construction starting in childhood, carrying on with the learning of life in adolescence and adulthood.
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is the most recent AI concept and is described as an artificial intelligence capable of carrying out many different activities, like humans.
However in 2017, there is still no operational AGI, and it will take many years to reach this level of AI. The current studies around AGI do not extend to emotional capacity. Start-ups working on AGI aim to create expert systems capable of solving very complex problems while maintaining rational reasoning, and ultimately the rationale is not to show any emotion.
On the other hand, huge breakthroughs have been achieved in the AI field to design machines that can mechanically interpret our emotions without having their own, or interacting with humans by simulating empathy. This still remains unbalanced in terms of communication. The detection of human emotion is a fairly mature field. It relies on various sensors: video, microphones, and biometrics that reflect us. The recognition of emotions in front of the camera is quite old.
7. AI might Demand Rights Just Like Humans.
With the current trends in AI, it’s possible that robots will reach a stage of self-realization. When that happens, they may demand their rights as if they were humans. That is, they’ll require housing and health care benefits and demand to be allowed to vote, serve in the military, and be granted citizenship. In return, governments would make them pay taxes.
This is according to a joint study by the UK Office of Science and Innovation’s Horizon Scanning Center. This research was reported by the BBC in 2006 when AI was far less advanced, and it was conducted to speculate the technological advancements they might be seen in 50 years’ time. Does this mean that machines will start demanding citizenship in about 40 years? Only time will tell.
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Originally published at https://www.iynk.in