How To Reprogram Your Mind For Positive Thinking

Tanuj Sarva
3 min readJan 21, 2021


You already know that staying positive promotes a happier and healthier life. There are tons of studies out there that have proven the correlation between optimism and improved mental and physical states.

We know definitively that positivity boosts motivation — helping you achieve your goals and find fulfillment in life. These facts are great and all, but how do you foster a more positive mindset?

It can be a difficult struggle to hold onto your optimism — especially when facing unforeseen obstacles, sudden hardships, or negative attitudes.

The good thing is, that you have the ability to reprogram your mind — to see the glass as half full instead of half empty. Here are 7 essential tips.

1. Mind Your Body Language

When we’re feeling down, we tend to communicate our feelings to others non-verbally. If you’re sad, you might slouch, avoid eye contact, or cross your arms. Discomfort can be seen in your face — and your body language.

When your head is full of negative thoughts, you let your circumstances take hold of your body, instead of being mindful about how you present yourself.

In this state, you appear weak, uneasy, mad, or upset. Others may interpret it as a command to leave you alone. But, positive thinking is as much about your body as it is about your mind — and you can project positivity with something as simple as your posture.

When you stand tall, meet people’s eyes, and smile, you show others that you’re ready to listen, feel positive, and possess strength.

Maintaining a powerful stance will help create channels for positivity to flow freely throughout your body. You, and the people around you, will feel this newfound optimism and respond with more positivity.

2. Affirm Empowering Beliefs

When we are held back in life, it is often the result of our own limiting beliefs. Although you probably have valid reasons to believe in these pessimistic thoughts, they don’t serve you well.

Be mindful of how ‘negative past experiences’ tend to shape unhopeful visions of the future — visions that are inaccurate and toxic.

If you want to reprogram your mind for positive thinking, first you need to address your flawed beliefs. Then, challenge them and replace them with more empowering ones.

In practice, this would begin with an acknowledgment of your negative thoughts. It could be something along the lines of I don’t feel deserving of love or I’m not good enough.

You might have a lot of these self-defeating beliefs — and for every single one, you must replace it with a positive (and more accurate) belief — such as I am worthy of love and a healthy relationship or I’m doing the best I can.

You control what you believe, and when you harness that power, you can change your world.

3. Choose Your Words Carefully

Just like your body language, the words you speak and think have a huge impact on your mindset. Establishing a vocabulary that utilizes positive words is an essential habit for a healthy mind.

Studies have shown that positive self-talk can help you regulate your emotions and improve your overall psychological state. And, it doesn’t end there… The words you use with other people affect how they respond to you — creating a feedback loop.

Whether that loop is positive or negative is up to you. Before you begin to craft your personal dictionary, you need to know what’s already in it.

How do you label things or describe them in conversation? When you talk about your emotions, is the language full of intensity, understanding, or complexity?

When you’re feeling uneasy about a presentation, you might say that you’re “terrified” — but perhaps your just “a little nervous.” If you’re having issues with your partner, you could say that you’re “extremely furious” — but in reality, you may just be a bit “annoyed.”

When you tag your emotions with intensity, your brain recognizes that and responds accordingly. If you are mindful and aware, you can tone down your vocabulary and use language with less emotional power.

This way, you will be able to stay more positive.

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Originally published at on January 21, 2021.



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